Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Starting the year of the rat

It is New Year in China. It is the start of the year of the rat. The rat qualities we should try and learn from and use in our lives are - versatility, adaptibility, surviving in adverse situations....

We have 3 days off from the exercise routine starting today. Had my 4th injection 2 days ago by the spinal route. There is a big discussion going on here about whether spinal or IV is better. Many feel that spinal is better for brain-related treatments since the stem cells can travel directly to the location. However, IV seems to have worked better for me.

The doctors here mix and match spinal with IV, so that we each receive a few of each.

There are continuing improvements. Speech clarity is improving and has been noticed by friends on the phone. Overall arm/leg strength is better. Balance, though, is still a problem. I shall keep watching this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to the popular legend, the Rat was the first to arrive to a dinner hosted by Buddha (but only after hitching a ride on Ox’s back and then jumping over the finish line) so this is why the Rat is the first sign of the Chinese zodiac. It signifies new beginnings. 2008 is therefore an appropriate time to commence new ventures, including new ideas, directions, and ways of doing things. There will be ample time to see your projects through and opportunities for you to achieve success. However, keep in mind that your actions may have long terms effects, so be wise with your decisions.

The Rat’s fixed element is Water. Although Earth has a negative relationship with the Water. This is not entirely a bad thing, but it does mean that you should not be relying as much on luck this year.

The combination of Earth and Rat is extremely positive in terms of achieving results. The Rat is a risk taker, while Earth is associated with practicality and stability. Therefore there is a good balance which in turn can lead to good profits, increased productivity and accomplishments in many areas of life. And, under Earth's stable influence there could be fewer scandals than in other, Rat years.

The year of the Earth Rat is also a good year for intellectual activities as well as art related activities such as design and graphics.free horoscope