Thursday, August 20, 2009

Started Using the Power Chair

Well, I have taken one more step to being officially disabled. You may prefer to say “differently abled”, but that’s just playing with words. I have taken on a power chair on trial basis. If it works out, I will buy it next month.

It is called Quantum and is made by Pride Mobility. It is small sized but heavy at 400 lbs. The battery is supposed to have a range of 30-40 kms and it has a speed of about 10 kmph. Faster than abled persons can walk – ha ha!

I have been using it to get to my workplace, which has an automatic door. From October, we are moving to an older building which does not have automatic doors. So that may prove to be a problem. I shall update on that situation as it unfolds. As of now, the power chair is proving to be a boon.

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