Friday, April 22, 2011

One more spring time in Toronto

It is mid April. This winter has been slow to leave. It has been officially spring for a month but it is still ccld and windy outside. Hopefully things will soon change.

Things have been busy where I work. One of my fellow workers quit so things have been busier. The "season" normally lasts till end June.

Visited the neurologist at Toronto Western last month. Asked him about a new drug I have been reading about - Riluzole. He is nsupposed to investigate and let me know. I guess I will have to remind.

I have been getting the services of a personal healthcare worker off and on. He helps me with my day to day stuff a little bit.


Unknown said...

Any updates on your request to the doctor? I would really like to know if this drug is actually useful in improving the symptoms of ataxia.

Any info would be really helpful.

My email add is


Toronto Indian said...

Hi Balwinder

I have sent a reply to your email. I have not yet heard anything concrete from the doctor.