Saturday, February 2, 2008

4th stem cell injection coming up on Feb 4, 2008

Fourth (out of 5 planned) injection is due to take place on Monday, Feb 4, 2008. Physiotherapy has been continuing since Injection #3. The doctors had an extra day of PT on Saturday since, next week, there will be 3 days off due to the new year celebration.

After the 3rd injection, I have finally started seeing some positive changes.

1. My strength seems to be improving day by day, since I am now able to do more repeats in the exercise room. I am able to do more balancing, more squats etc.

2. My handwriting seems to have improved a bit. I am able to stay on the line now, though the writing is still messy.

3. Ability to clamber up from a sitting position is better now. I am still using my hands to do the job, but the task is a little quicker now.

4. My speech clarity seems just a wee bit better, based on feedback from family and friends with who I have been speaking on the phone.

We are a small group here. One of the earlier patients left last week. A new family from India moved in. There are 3 of us who arrived the same week and are on parallel schedules. So we are able to compare notes and encourage each other.

I am feeling quite good at this stage. Expectations are sky high of course. So the next 2 injections should be crucial. The stem cells, they say, will keep working for about 6 months after we leave, so hopefully, these improvements will continue.

1 comment:

Maitreyi Viswanathan said...

That's so awesome,Pa!! I can't wait to see you when you get back.