Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hey folks! Guess what! The ataxic guy is alive and kicking (sort of).

A lot of things have happened in my world in the last two years:

- My ataxia symptoms are getting worse
- Have become almost 100% power wheelchair dependent
- Sorting out some unrelated medical issues for which there are treatments and cures - related to an overactive thyroid, an enlarged prostate, erratic blood pressure and blood sugar levels
- Trying to avoid any infection, as I find even a common cold is enough to play havoc with my entire system

On the personal front, the developments have been generally positive:

- My daughter married her college beau, both worked in Bangalore, India for about 3 years and are now back in Canada, unemployed, broke, parents to a cat and a dog, madly in love still (ha ha)
- My son finished college and has got his first proper job  - he put himself through college by himself, doing a series of restaurant gigs

The job scene was OK till now but has recently taken a turn for the worse. I am hoping to document that episode in my life in a separate blog - look at {"Disabled Job Search")

On the various support groups I am active in are:

MDI: www.mdisuccess.com, Weekly meetings where men gather to volunteer for community causes and also extend support to fellow team members

Ontario Ataxia Group: We now have about 40 members and try to meet at least once a quarter. The last lunch meetings were held in Hamilton, ON and Toronto

Project Able and Able Canada: www.ablecanada.ca , Being set up. Met a web designer who has offered his services free. We had the first meeting in Toronto in June 2014.

Equal Grounds: Set up by two bothers - Terrence and Torrance.. Among other things, they have set up blogs where persons with disabilities gather to discuss how Technology, Sports, Work & Business and so on impact their lives.

And so life goes on ,,,,