Wednesday, September 10, 2008

stem cells and politics

Just been seeing reports that the newest VP nominee in USA (Sarah Palin) is against stem cell research even though her 4 month old child has Down's Syndrome and may benefit from stem cell research. Maybe it will give him a chance to lead a normal life in future. But who will educate the politicians?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two people now in China

Two persos who had visited this blog are now in China doing the stem cell treatment for ataxia. They are "" and "pansy". Here is wishing them all the best for their stay and treatment.

As for me, life goes on. Missed a few days of working out (ha ha) last week. BP is erratic. Pulsr rate seems high. Guess there is not much one can do.

Saw a new product invented in Israel, which helps wheelchair people walk - must look into that. Things are not yet at that stage, but one must be prepared. If anyone is interested, please look at :