Monday, March 31, 2008

After 4 weeks in Canada

It has been a busy 4 weeks - have not kept the blog updated. I have been trying to get seen by a neurologist. So far still waiting. Under the Canadian system, your local doctor has to write a reference to the specialist. The last time, I got a reference in November and they had called me for a neurologist consultation in February. I missed that since I was in China. My local doc is pissed. He is making a fresh reference.

Meanwhile, I have also been trying to get into some form of physiotherapy here. Since it is taking forever to get into a neurologist approved programme, I decided to start something on my own. I have joined a local fitness club and start today. For the first few days I will have a personal trainer.

As regards the ataxia and the stem cells treatment, any changes have happened during the treatment in China. I was hoping for continued improvements after I came back, but nothing so far. Maybe regular exercising at the fitness club will jumpstart something.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Beginning March in Canada - March 3, 2008

Landed back in Toronto after a 21-hour flight from India. Travelled alone this time since my son has stayed back in India. Flight was not too bad, though it is too too long. My daughter was at Pearson airport to receive me. Took a taxi back home. Spent the weekend getting the home in some kind of order.

Today is Monday - first day back at work. Colleagues at the office think I am looking a bit better. Went to a nearby chiropractor/physiotherapist and started off with him. Lets see how that goes. I imagine millions of stem cells sitting around in my cerebellum, waiting for their marching orders. I do believe that in order to get full benefit from the stem cell treatment, it is essential to train the brain through an exercise programme.