Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Video from www.eurostemcell.org

I have spent quite some time over the past 2-3 years to get more information about stem cells and their application to neurological conditions. One resource which I found useful is this video from EuroStemCell, which gives a good introduction to the subject. Do take a look.


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Introducing Me

Hi readers

I am a male, middle-aged, young at heart, born in India and now living in Canada.

I currently work in the financial services industry as an analyst. I am trying to get an entrepreneurial venture going, but that's not the reason why I am here.

I suffer from a neurological condition named Spino Cerebellar Ataxia which is genetically inherited. For about 10 years, I have been having symptoms, which are progessively getting worse and more difficult to manage. I have difficulty in movements and speech. The ataxia affects most activities like walking, talking, typing and so on. Information about this and similar conditions can be found on www.ataxia.org.

This condition is considered untreatable. Doctors help you manage the symptoms, but cannot actually do anything for arresting the slide downwards in your abilities.

In the last few years, a new experimental treatment option has opened up which involves the use of umbilical cord stem cells. Several persons have made the trip to China and found a cure for their symptoms. The main website for the Chinese treatment is www.stemcellschina.com.

I am looking at this option seriously and hope to travel to China in early 2008. Through this blog, I hope to record my experiences as well as seek feedback from other ataxians who may have taken the treatment (or not).

Hope to hear from many of you.

All the best.